This blog is a bit of a mix and muddle without a coherent theme: lots of things are happening and I want to keep you posted. The things below also mention a large variety of ways to get involved – please have a word with me if you feel able to help.
Lady Chapel Altar
Thanks to a generous donation of 3 old altar frontals from St Thomas Church in South Wigston, Angie Fox has been able to combine them into a ‘new’ one for the Lady Chapel at St Andrew’s. It has not been fixed yet but is very beautiful (I think!) and will provide another visual focus in that space. Have a look on Sunday – it is currently in St John’s Chapel until we can install it properly.

Stained Glass Windows in the Sanctuary
During the recent storms two the stained glass windows in the sanctuary got damaged. Luckily we discovered it very quickly whilst cleaning together on a Saturday morning and before any windows ended up on the floor in many pieces: the advantage of touching every item in church regularly is that one spots things before the problem becomes too dramatic. The strong wind ripped the leadwork from the supportive bars and the windows itself were loosened from the brickwork and bent. The windows are now safe and repairs will happen as soon as possible – it’s going to be around £1k (and I wonder whether somebody would like to help with that?).

Sound System
In the last months it became increasingly obvious that our vintage sound system from the 1980s did not cope with larger numbers of people in the building. It has been particularly difficult to understand at the back of the church and as many of us speak English as a further language it is crucial that what is said is comprehensible (at least in terms of sound projection 🙂). Thanks to a generous grant we have been able to have the system upgraded.

Building Plans
During Stage 1 of the Interior Reordering in May (if you don’t know what I am talking about see here) we need to close the church for at least 2 Sundays and worship in the hall. We have a small movable altar which will be used at that time and can also be used in church until a more fitting westward-facing altar can be used.

Lent Appeal
For Harvest we supported Leicester City of Sanctuary and I took a huge amount of donations to their office last year (THANK YOU!). Particularly with the current crisis in Ukraine they need help supporting people who found sanctuary in Leicester and they particularly need the things listed below. I put a box and a sign in church – if you consider this worthwhile perhaps you feel able to support them during this season.
A mix of any of the following would be really helpful:
- Chocolate – bars, boxes
- Biscuits
- Shampoo
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Vitamin D tablets
- Shower gel
- Laundry detergent – the capsules or pods are best, as they can split up a pack that way and give a few to more people

Upcoming Events and Services
Previously I have listed what is going on in the next few weeks (see here) and I would particularly recommend the Passiontide Meditation devised and presented by members of the St. Andrew’s Community: singers Esther Arens and Roy-Anthony Birch; and organist Baden Favill, with readings by Peter Lewis; at St. Andrew’s at 4 pm on Saturday April 2nd.
Service Times for Lent (all at St Andrew’s unless specifically mentioned)
- Every Sunday, 10.30am Parish Mass
- Every Wednesday, 12.30pm Selected Stations of the Cross followed by said Mass at 12.45
- Saturday 19th March: 6.30pm Filipino Chaplaincy Mass
- Tuesday 22nd March, 7pm (on Zoom): Annual Parish Church Meeting
- Saturday 2nd April, 4pm: Meditation for Passiontide
- Friday 8th April, 8pm: Leicestershire Chorale Concert
- Saturday 9th April, 7.30pm: Fosse Singers Concert
- Church Cleaning and Decoration (ALL WELCOME – there will be cake!): Saturday 19th March, 2nd April, 16th April 9.15am to 11.15am
Service Times for Holy Week & Easter
- Holy Wednesday, 13th April, 12.30pm: Stations of the Cross & Mass
- Maundy Thursday, 14th April 7pm: Mass of the Last Supper followed by the Watch of the Passion until 10pm
- Good Friday, 15th April, 2pm: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
- Holy Saturday, 7pm: Easter Vigil at St Mary de Castro Church (LE1 5WH, NOT at St Andrew’s)
- Easter Sunday, 17th April, 10.30am: Solemn Pontifical Mass of the Resurrection of Our Lord with Baptisms and Confirmations

Day Trip to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
for the National Pilgrimage,
Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2022
Finally the National Pilgrimage is back and open to the public this year. Due to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bank Holidays are different this year and therefore the National Pilgrimage does not happen at the end of May but on Monday, 2nd May 2022. A coach is leaving from St Andrew’s at 7am (yes, I know..) and will return at about 8pm. You can leave your car in the church or vicarage car park and the competitive cost for going to Norfolk (and coming back!) is £20 per adult or £15 concession (self-identified). Minors under 18 travel for free. Tickets either from me or from Gillian Aird.

The May Festival 2022
I am delighted that Bishop Michael Ipgrave is going to be with us for the May Festival and that we are hosting this together with St Mary de Castro Parish Church. Please make a note in your diary. If you willing and able to help with the logistics of the day (setting up the hall, clearing things up etc) please have a word with me.

Easter Lilies & Choir on Easter Day
If you would like to make a special donation towards Easter Lilies (perhaps in memory of someone?) this would be most gratefully received. We will also have professional singers again on Easter Day. Would you be able to help with the cost? Please let me know if you want to pledge a specific amount.

The Peace Garden
During the last year the Peace Garden has been an absolute blessing as it allowed us to gather together in a safe way during the restrictions of the pandemic. Considering that it has been a bit neglected during the winter season it doesn’t look too bad, but could do with a bit of love and care. With the sunshine of the past days it won’t be too long before we can use it again. Would you be able to help making it fit for purpose and perhaps donate some flowers or some money towards it? Please have a word with Tony or with me.