Below a few pictures from our Parish Feast today. It was great to worship together as one St Andrew’s family and to share wonderful food and drink. It is obvious that we are a very mixed bunch of people with different cultural, language and ethnic backgrounds and some differences in religious formation. Nevertheless our style of worship makes coming together relatively easy as it does not depend so much on language.
It will require some generosity and experiment to figure out how to worship best together – and today was a good start. It was lovely to welcome Fr Lusa to St Andrew’s before he starts his episcopal ministry in the Diocese of London.

Please be aware of special services and events in the next weeks:
- Saturday 11/12 , 4pm Musical Meditation for Advent in St Andrew’s
- Wednesday 15/12, 7.30pm Carols, Beer & Christmas Cheer in the Sir Robert Peel Pub on Jarrom Street
- Saturday 18/12, 9.15am to 11.15am Church Cleaning
- Saturday 18/12, 7.30pm Leicestershire Chorale Concert (tickets from Fr Johannes)
- Sunday 19/12, 8pm Filipino Chaplaincy Mass (Special Service)
- Tuesday 21/12, 3pm Christmas Tree Decorating
- Tuesday 21/12, 7.30pm, Carols, Beer & Christmas Cheer in the Western Pub
- Friday 24/12, 6pm Vigil Mass for Christmas with Choir
- Saturday 25/12, 10.30am Mass for Christmas Day
- Sunday 26/12, 10.30am Mass for Holy Family/Boxing Day followed by Tea/Coffee
The Mass on Wednesdays at 12.45pm (preceded by Rosary at 12.30pm) and the Parish Mass on Sundays at 10.30am will of course continue all the way through.