Fancy some light gardening (with cake)?
2 weeks ago a lovely group of people enjoyed making the Peace Garden fit for spring and summer and it has already been used last Sunday. If like to help a bit please join us this coming Saturday, 13th May from 9.15am.
As you can see, the gate through to the vicarage garden has been installed and is mostly finished.

Coronation Gathering
About 25 of us met last Saturday to watch the Coronation and explore very British things like Cucumber Sandwiches, Pimms and (not so British) Prosecco. Thanks to all who contributed something!

The Doctrine of Concomitance
This is probably something many of you are not familiar with. It is a Eucharistic doctrine that affirms the simultaneous presence of Christ’s body and blood in each of the eucharistic elements. It contradicts a narrow identification of Christ’s body with the bread and Christ’s blood with the wine. The doctrine of concomitance upholds the truth that the fullness of communion is available by receiving either the consecrated bread or wine. In practice that means if no gluten-free hosts are available, it is perfectly ok for a Coeliac to receive the wine only or for a child or alcoholic to receive only the consecrated bread. Similarly, during the pandemic the chalice was withdrawn for hygienic reasons – this did not affect the fullness or validity of receiving communion.
Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches that “Nothing is lost by the body being received by the people without the blood: because the priest both offers and receives the blood in the name of all, and the whole Christ is present under either species” (Summa Theologiae, III, q. 80, a. 12, ad 3).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1390) states: “Since Christ is sacramentally present under each of the species, communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace. For pastoral reasons this manner of receiving communion has been legitimately established as the most common form in the Latin rite. But “the sign of communion is more complete when given under both kinds, since in that form the sign of the Eucharistic meal appears more clearly.”
Since Holy Week all churches in England are again permitted to return to offering communion to all the faithful in both kinds: the bread and the wine. I held back on offering the chalice again as so many of our congregation work in healthcare. However, beginning on Monday, 15th May (the May Festival) I will make the chalice available to those who wish to receive communion in both kinds again: no one must receive the sacrament in both kinds, but all may receive both kinds.
In terms of practicalities this means: All servers are Eucharistic Ministers and they will offer the chalices near the two side chapels to those who wish to receive in both kinds. They will however refuse attempts of intinction (dipping the host into the chalice) as this is the most unhygienic way of receiving.

May Festival – Monday 15/05, 7pm
After the success of last year we are going to have the traditional May Festival in honour of Our Lady, Queen of the May. Our preacher this year is going to be Fr Christopher Johnson from the Wigston Team Ministry. This event involves quite a lot of hospitality – help is needed on the day itself, both in the afternoon from 4pm and in the evening. Elizabeth Amias got a spreadsheet – please talk to her if you can offer some help!

Ascension Day – Thursday 18th May
As this falls in the same week as the May Festival above there won’t be a sung Mass on that day, but in addition to the usual 8am Mass there will be a said Mass at 7pm.
Corpus Christi Project Choir – starts 24th May
Following the success of the Easter Project Choir the next project is right around the corner! We move Corpus Christi to the nearest Sunday (11 June) and the same deal applies: you need to be able to commit to 2 out of 3 rehearsals.

- People of all abilities and experiences are welcome to join.
- You do not have to be able to read sheet music.
- Each voice will be supported by a professional singer you can follow and ‘hang on to’ – making things both stable and easier. This also means that the project cannot fail, the professionals will carry everybody along.
- I am delighted that Leicester based musician, teacher, singer, organist, pianist and conductor John Gull has accepted leading this project at St Andrew’s.
The three rehearsals are:
- Wednesday 24th May, 7pm – 8.30pm
- Thursday 1st June, 7pm – 8.30pm
- Wednesday 7th June, 7pm – 8.30pm
On Corpus Christi Sunday 11th June the project choir will sing during the 10.30am Festival Mass at St Andrew’s.
Baptisms, Confirmations and Receptions with Bishop Peter, Sunday 09/07, 1030am
I am delighted that Bishop Peter is going to join us again in July for baptisms, confirmations and receptions into the Church of England. Children are baptised with the permission of their parents and they often cannot make a personal statement of faith – particularly if they are babies. In contrast, adults speak for themselves and the sacraments of baptism and confirmation are usually given together. See pictures below from last year’s baptism & confirmation service with Bishop Christopher.
Please talk to me if you are interested in baptism, confirmation or reception into the church.

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