National Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
53 of us (!) travelled to Walsingham on Bank Holiday Monday this week in a full coach, and in spite of the miserable weather forecast I got sunburned as we had the most glorious day.

Parish Weekend in October
Walsingham is a most special place and going there for a weekend offers a very different experience from going for the day. Like last year there is a Parish Weekend in Walsingham in October – for details see the flyer below. Spaces are filling up quickly and you need to commit with a deposit as soon as possible.
Building Work
The building work is progressing well and I hope that by Sunday 18th June the work will be finished. I am aware that everybody is annoyed by the effect the building work had on the church and the Parish Hall and that the amount of dust and dirt gets on everybody’s nerves. This will soon be over!
As you can see in the pictures below, the sacristy cupboards and the tea-point cupboards are taking shape. The windows have been painted last week which makes an obvious difference.
If you want to help, please join us on Saturday morning, 3rd June from 9.15am (after Mass) for 2 hours of church cleaning (with cake – obviously).

Compline & Benediction on Sunday 7pm
As every first Sunday of the month we are meeting again on Sunday evening for a short and quiet service of Compline & Benediction – usually followed by a visit to the pub. This service contains a solid time of silence and provides a beautiful space of calm before the start of the working week.
Join us and find out!
Corpus Christi 11th June with Procession, Project Choir and Bishop Saju
For the first time in many years we are going to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi in a really big way. The obvious day for giving thanks for the Institution of the Eucharist is Maundy Thursday – but as Holy Week is so full an extra day developed in medieval times.
This year Bishop Saju is going to join us, we are going to have a really large project choir for the day, an outdoor procession and a bit of a celebration after the Mass.
Could you make/bring a cake for the day? Please let me know if you can contribute.

Baptisms, Confirmations and Receptions with Bishop Peter, Sunday 09/07, 1030am
I am delighted that Bishop Peter is going to join us again in July for baptisms, confirmations and receptions into the Church of England. Children are baptised with the permission of their parents and they often cannot make a personal statement of faith – particularly if they are babies. In contrast, adults speak for themselves and the sacraments of baptism and confirmation are usually given together. See pictures below from last year’s baptism & confirmation service with Bishop Christopher.
Please talk to me in the next week if you are interested in baptism, confirmation or reception into the church. I need to know by Friday 9th June if you want to be baptised, confirmed or received.