Welcome to the regular Parish Newsletter in a slightly new format.
Last week I spent some time to think about how to make the newsletter more efficient and easier to subscribe to it. Hence you will find a QR code on all the service booklets for those who want to subscribe. You will also find a sign up form on the website.
The Building Work is complete!

Yesterday Eliam cut a ribbon and it is finally possible to see what happened in the past few weeks.
The Parish Room – Help needed!

The building work is finished, but before we put white linen etc into the cupboards they need wiping down and things need sorting.
If you have time either on Monday or Wednesday between 2pm and 5pm please consider helping us!
The usual healthy drinks and carbs are provided!
Bishop Peter coming

Many will remember Bishop Peter from previous visits, especially the consecration of the High Altar in May 2022. He is joining us again on 9th July to receive one of us formally into the Church of England.
Church Cleaning!

During the building work we met faithfully twice a month to try and keep the church in reasonable condition. If you did not notice that it really suffered during that period you are either blind, extremely kind or we managed to do a good job. However, the spiders went wild and the dust needs tackling: please join us Saturday between 9.15am and 11.15am (after the 9am Mass). Cake will be provided!
Next Sunday, 2nd July is the 1st Sunday of the month, so we are celebrating Compline & Benediction at 7pm.
This is a short service of about 40 minutes which includes a block of 10 minutes complete silence. It’s a rather wonderful way to prepare for the working week, furthermore as we move over to the pub afterwards as we thirst after righteousness…
Compline & Benediction

Next Sunday, 2nd July is the 1st Sunday of the month, so we are celebrating Compline & Benediction at 7pm.
This is a short service of about 40 minutes which includes a block of 10 minutes complete silence. It’s a rather wonderful way to prepare for the working week, furthermore as we move over to the pub afterwards as we thirst after righteousness…
Fr Johannes