An exhibition of work by local artists will be held at St. Andrew’s Church from Saturday 9 October until Sunday 17 October.
On the two Saturdays involved the church will be open for viewing from 10.00 until 16.00. The exhibition will be open on other days before and after services but visitors are asked not to tour the exhibition during services. Other opening times might will be published nearer the time.
Anybody artistic is welcome to contribute to the exhibition:
All pictures must be framed or otherwise ready for hanging with the title of the work, artist’s name, medium and selling price indicated in a label on the back of the work. Work that is not for sale, should be marked NFS. Three dimensional work should be labelled as appropriate. For the accepted items this information will be entered into the exhibition catalogue so should be forwarded to Kevin Commons by Friday 1st October at the latest.
Up to five items from each submitting artist will be considered for acceptance. Those offered for acceptance should be delivered to St. Andrew’s church by Sunday 3rd October or by arrangement with Kevin Commons.
Buyers of artwork will be asked to collect their purchases at the end of the exhibition. However, if this is not possible they will be able to take the work that they have paid for on the day of purchase. In this case replacement items might be included to fill the spaces left. Unsold work will be available for collection at the end of the exhibition.
There is no charge for entry to the exhibition, however, visitors and exhibiting artists may wish to make a donation to St. Andrew’s Church. The church cannot fully guarantee the safety of the artwork during the exhibition so artists concerned about this issue should arrange private insurance.
All artwork depicted is the property and copyright of Kevin Commons.